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Football focus

Football action photography and portraits

Another selection of images from Mandeville Schools’ Monday evening 6 aside league. I keep becoming so enthralled by the games I forget to photograph the action! This week the focus was on one team who were willing to pose for portraits and had the maverick spirit I wanted to record for a street football scenario that attracts such a variety of gifted footballers. Sometimes they argue with the referee sometimes with the other team and sometimes between themselves but the passion is always evident. There may be little at stake but pride but don’t be fooled this is serious stuff.


6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography  6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography  6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography










6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography


 6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography6 aside football images from Big Stick Photography