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6 aside ‘cage football’

It’s raw, it’s frantic, it’s cool,…it’s ‘cage football

Locally called ‘cage football’  only because it’s played within a fenced area but it seems fitting for a game that is intense, competitive and the refereeing somewhat relaxed. Mandeville 6 aside league every Monday night (summer& winter!) allows quality footballers of all ages, backgrounds and jobs to come together and compete on the 3G pitch at Stoke Mandeville school. Being a footballer myself ,I have been going along to watch a friends team play and couldn’t help trying to capture the mood, passion and atmosphere of the matches on camera.  So here are a few images, which I hope will give the players of ‘Donny’s team some pleasure and give you some idea of the eclectic collection of players that come together for the sheer love of football.

*Thanks are due to thick-skinned referees including Warren and to self-less facilitator Rick who make it all possible.


6 aside Gallery (scroll down to view pics)

Big Stick photography images of Mandeville 6 aside football league


Big Stick photography images of Mandeville 6 aside football leagueBig Stick photography images of Mandeville 6 aside football league